Monday, September 30, 2019

Summary of the Poem

Explore the ways in which Hopkins conveys the beauty of the nature in Pied Beauty? Hopkins creates a prayer like poem in praise of the beauty and design of nature that God has created. He chooses unusual descriptions to encapsulated the variety of beautiful sights and sounds that can be found in the world and celebrates the astonishing complexity of God's creation in this pared down sonnet. He creates a reverent and worshipful tone that epitomizes his feelings of awe and wonder when confronted with the natural world. Firstly ‘Pied Beauty' is a prayer like poem.We can see this at the beginning and end Of the poem when it says ‘Glory be to God for dappled things' and ‘Praise him'. This reminds us a lot of a prayer as we start a prayer with God and end with God this is a simple message from the poet that is he is writing about nature he is writing about god. Also it is a short poem, which makes a simple point. Secondly this poems design has a range of nature, which sta rts of big a gets smaller for example it starts of with the sky to cow to trout to chestnuts then finally with ‘finches wings'.So he really shows us the range of nature from the massive sky to tiny little, delicate finches wings. Thirdly ‘Pied Beauty has some unusual descriptions for example to describe the sky he says ‘For skies of -couple color as a branded cow' now here we can see that what he means is brindle but the author has change it to either fit the poem or because he thinks it sounds better. He means brindle as in striped with different colors this is unusual but a very good way to describe the sky. Fourthly Gerald Manly Hopkins uses a variety of beauty in his poem.He uses sights and sounds to his advantage we can see this when he says ‘swift, slow' and ‘sweet, sour he make these very opposite comparisons with nature. Fifthly the poem has astonishing complexity this has happened because he has made up his own words up for example ‘brand ed cow' and ‘couple-color' this makes him very individual. This also makes sounds very effective and makes us think more about the poem and what it is about. He makes words that are very similar to that actual one but he either changes them or edits hem for example ‘branded' which is actually ‘brindle'.Sixthly the pared down sonnet is very irregular as a normal sonnet has 14 lines here the sonnet has only eleven. However the poem has regular meter beats of ‘A, B, C, A, B, C, D, B, C, D, C' so it is regular apart from the last five lines which make their own meter. Seventh the worshipful tone this is a very religious poem and they have to make that impression by the time you have finished the poem. They achieve this by the last line it is very short and says ‘Praise him' this is a very simple one which makes it more affective.It also it very memorable as it is very short and to the point. It reminds us of a prayer as in a prayer you end with amen and her e it is ‘Praise him' they are both really short and to the point. Awe and wonder, in conclusion, In this way, we can see how Hopkins creates a powerful poem that skillfully describes and praises the beauty of nature. He achieves this through carefully chosen images that economically portray natural images whilst structuring a reverent piece of almost religious quality.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Aries epica

We are guided by a strategic plan that helps us to redefine the viewing experience of millions across the globe. Indeed that enabled us to stay ahead of the competition and kindle a digital revolution in India and the Middle East. Aries Epic is the pioneer in AD Advertising and Corporate Videos in India. We house one of the best AD Stereoscopic studios in the region. Objective: 1 . To create a global brand by leading and revolutionize the world's viewing experience. 2. Exploiting the 1st mover advantage to be a house hold name in global racketing/consumer electronics community in case of AD TV and AD/AD conversion. . To create a marketing channel to create an opportunity to sell and launch other sub products to industry. 4. To create AD virtual exhibition platform. 5. Attract global recognition to brand â€Å"Aries† Products and Services offered: Our core services encompasses the following Stereoscopic shooting for companies, feature films, advertising, events (including marri age functions, inauguration. ) etc. Stereoscopic post production management (control of the maintenance of stereoscopic alignments, Editing, Composition, D'). Production of AD stereoscopic animations. D Stereoscopic video presentations in Medical field and Education. Comprehensive AD and AD Solutions AD Broadcasting Solutions AD Live Projection for stage shows or any events AD Projection Solutions (Permanent Mini AD Theatre installations and temporary installations for trade shows, property show etc. ) AD Printing Solutions AD theatre installation and AD movies Animation Services AD Animation&2D Animation Story Boarding / Animating Visual Effects/ CGI Post Production Gaming Concept Creation/ Development/ Pre Production Holographic Imaging Next Generation Event/ Marriage Video coverageHighlights of the services include One-of-its kind concept from India' s No. L international video production brand Ultra- modern AD Technology No cameramen to block the view K movie format with CGI and Del AD – AD conversion facility Worldwide live streaming AD Invitation design AD Photo album 5. 1, 7. 1 & Atoms sound designs Animation and VEX studio Full-fledged animation studio for ad and ad animation. VEX for film and television Complete preproduction and post production facilities Aries Epic Academy Aries Epic Academy is the first AD Stereoscopic Film Academy in India and the MiddleEast started with a vision of providing quality education in AD Stereoscopy, AD & AD Animation, Editing & D', Audio Engineering and VEX. Courses offered; 1 . AD Stereoscopy a. AD cinematography b. Stereography c. AD Editing d. AD composition AD to AD conversion g. 2. Complete visual effects training. 3. AD and AD animation 4. Editing and Del 5. Audio Engineering SOOT Analysts: Strength Pioneer in AD Advertising and Corporate Videos. Technological edge. Well established brand name â€Å"ARIES†. Aries Epic Academy. Company profile – Mr. Johan Roy as a brand ambassador himself. Wi de variety of rodents and services.Weakness Initial Expensive Lack of Technical staff Lack of awareness among customers. IP protection Opportunities Huge boom in AD market. Increased awareness as a career. Rising share of outsourcing pie. Social gaming popularity. Increasing usage of VEX and AD in movies. Increase in demand for local content. Wide use of animation in advertisement industry. Threats Newer better technology may emerge. Break-even possibility Competitors Cultural constrains Lack of government support Market analysis: The Indian Animation & gaming Industry is one of the fastest growing industries in he country today.Highly skilled manpower & dramatic cost effectiveness have made considerable growth over a past few years, with a larger numbers of players foraging the space. Indian Animation & Gaming Industry is valued at 739 million dollars with a compound annual growth rate (CARR) of 32 percent between calendar years 2005 & 2009. Animation through a late starter in Indi a is considered as one of the most promising segments of the media & entertainment industry. The industry after experiencing healthy growth rate in the past is expected to be in the pink of its coming years.From the current market size of SIDES 774 million in 2010, it is anticipated to touch the highs of SIDES 3040 Million by 201 5 growing at a CIGAR of 25 percent during 2011 – 15. Target customers: TV channels Gaming industry Film industry Advertisement industry Upcoming events Educational sector Medical field Corporate sector Government sector Mobile app world Web developers Event management groups Expos, entertainment shows and exhibition Hospitality sector Marketing Strategies & Channels: A good and proper website which can showcase our quality of work and creativity. Demo for each target groupMaintain a proper contact and data base of people associated with film and TV industry. Tie ups with event management groups on commission bases or mutual benefit bases. Social medi a marketing. Direct marketing using marketing executives. Use database of Medici TV for medical sector. Using the Aries group branding Strategic event Tie -ups between the various divisions for marketing purposes Getting involved in online forums and blobs Participating in various expos. Channels: Brochure of the product and business cards. Events marketing using the strategic tie-ups between divisions.Telemarketing of the reduce to potential customers Email marketing of the product Online marketing strategy can help secure new customers such as social media strategy and online paid strategies Direct selling by fixing appointments with customer and briefing our product An advertisement would be a good option in the referral strategy would help in increasing the customer base Advertise with a well known print publication. Initiating the process by gearing up with required marketing tools such as brochures, visiting card, PPTP etc. Creating necessary databases for sales and marketing. Execute the email marketing & telemarketing processes.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Software Architecture Code for Wrapper Class

Wrapper to connect two applications with different architectures Public con As ADODB. Connection Public rs As ADODB. Recordset Dim str As String Private Sub Command1_Click() Command1. Enabled = False Command2. Enabled = False Command3. Enabled = False Command4. Enabled = True Set con = New ADODB. Connection Set rs = New ADODB. Recordset con. Open â€Å"Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=AIR† str = â€Å"insert into Staff values(† & Text1. Text & â€Å",'† & Text2.Text & â€Å"‘, † & Text3. Text & â€Å",† & Text4. Text & â€Å",'† & Text5. Text & â€Å"‘)† On Error GoTo Delete_Error con. Execute (str) MsgBox † Record added Successfully† Text1. Text = â€Å"† Text2. Text = â€Å"† Text3. Text = â€Å"† Text4. Text = â€Å"† Text5. Text = â€Å"† Text1. SetFocus Exit Sub Delete_Error: MsgBox â€Å"This record cannot be Added . Error code = † _ & Err. Number & vbCrLf & Err. Description, _ vbCritical, â€Å"Cannot Update Database† End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Command1. Enabled = False Command4. Enabled = False Command6.Enabled = False If (Adodc1. Recordset. BOF) Then Adodc1. Recordset. MoveLast Else Adodc1. Recordset. MovePrevious End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Command1. Enabled = False Command4. Enabled = False Command6. Enabled = False If (Adodc1. Recordset. EOF) Then Adodc1. Recordset. MoveFirst Else Adodc1. Recordset. MoveNext End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Command4. Enabled = False Command1. Enabled = True Command2. Enabled = False Command3. Enabled = False Command7. Enabled = False Text1. Text = â€Å"†Text2. Text = â€Å"† Text3. Text = â€Å"† Text4. Text = â€Å"† Text5. Text = â€Å"† Text1. SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Unload Me Form2. Show End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Text1. Text =  "† Text2. Text = â€Å"† Text3. Text = â€Å"† Text4. Text = â€Å"† Text5. Text = â€Å"† Text1. SetFocus End Sub SQL COMMANDS: create database AIR create table Staff(Staff_id int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,Staff_name varchar(20), Staff_age int, Salary int, Staff_address varchar(30)) ::Database AIR created successfully ::Table Staff creates successfully

Friday, September 27, 2019

American Cinena in the 60s70s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Cinena in the 60s70s - Essay Example This was the age of the mini skirt and the war against racial stereotyping. This era also witnessed an increase in Television entertainment and the American Cinema hit an all time low in 1963 when foreign films gained dominance over the local cinema. This crisis caused intense financial difficulties within the American film industry. Hollywood cinema found its way onto television to counter this slump and there was an increased trend of shooting films abroad because of low budgets ("runaway" film productions).Cinema ticket prices were falling and film production still remained unaffordable. There were no longer the studio bound contract stars and at this point the film industry lost many of its valuable directors. There was a business diversification within the industry as studios like the UA and Hal Roach Studios sold off parts of their studios and others like Disney(Orlando ,Florida) created theme parks within their studios for added revenues. There was an inauguration of the Hollywood Walk of Fame at the Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street. All these measures were the effort of the giant called "Hollywood" to stand back on its feet. This was the age of the first 'multiplex' movie theatre in 1963 invented by Durwood who went on run AMC Entertainment, which was the third-largest movie theatre company in the nation. The studios were fast being taken over and merged by multi-national companies soon after the sad demise of movie moguls like Harry Cohn of Columbia. The traditional, Hollywood studio era would soon be history, as more and more studios were acquired by other unrelated business conglomerates. Now there would be a time of "packaged" films and the independent company and independent p roducer. In 1966, Gulf and Western Industries bought Paramount which would later be headed by Robert Evans to give such hits as Rosemary's Baby (1968), Love Story (1970), The Godfather (1972), and Chinatown (1974) . The very famous movie of Cleopatra(1963), starring Elizabeth Taylor as the Queen of Egypt and future husband Richard Burton as Marc Antony was a budget disaster for 20th Century Fox, headed by Darryl Zanuck. One can of course not ignore the British Influences on American Cinema during this time as most Hollywood movies started to be made in Britain due to budget constraints.Examples are films like Becket 1964 and The Lion in Winter 1968. This influence can also be seen in films like Doctor Zhivago (1965) which was about the Russian Civil War which became very popular for its "European" influence. There was a reduction ,almost a complete phase out of producing "inflated historical epics". The influence of the British realism ( styled "Kitchen Sink") as well as the role of "Angry Young Man" - the hero who was economically and socially frustrated fast became a part and parcel of American movies. The era ended with when Jaws in 1975 and Star Wars in 1977 were released .These sequel based films were based on the new formula of Sci-fi and commercial blockbuster reality and nothing like what the decade of 1960's produced and made popular. The term Blaxploitation refers to a group of films that found immense popularity in the early 1970s as they were all about black nationalism and the Black Power rebellion with an all black cast. The reason these films were perceived as exploiting the blacks was because most of these films

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Marketing - Essay Example In other words, these accounts must be identified, acquired, and followed up, or managed. The sales person/force and manager must also be rewarded accordingly. Key accounts are gained by developing a mutual relationship. In order to gain trust and repeat business and to â€Å"lead† the client and not the other way around (having the client lead the sales representative which results in a loss of sales), one must completely know and understand the client’s business. This can only be accomplished by having a strategy. Key Account Management (2006) lists the benefits of this type of handling such important accounts: Regarding the case study of Glaztex, the reasons for failure to win the order were many. They did not employ the strategies of proper key account management. Dr. Leblanc of Commercial SA had initially contacted sales executive John Goodman. That was an incredible â€Å"foot in the door† where Goodman should have researched and prepared before returning the call. Perhaps he did not have the proper training on key account management, which is very crucial. Most company training involves teaching staff how to sell to corporations and to large accounts which uses a skill-based training. On the other hand, key account management deals with the clients’ needs and uses strategy. (Bandhu, 2004.) Capon (2006) states that, â€Å"†¦it is one thing to recognize that these accounts should be treated differently, it is quite another to figure out exactly what to do.† So training is necessary. Goodman simply described the simply and gave Leblanc literature to read. As Leblanc had stated that he had already spoken with three other companies, Goodman needed to be well informed of not only what his company had to offer, he also needed to know about his possible client and the competitors. He needed to focus on value. An advantage would have been for him to tell and show Leblanc (and Atois, the production engineer, as he stated that

Prototyping in Graphic design Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prototyping in Graphic design - Research Paper Example Graphic designers do not generate attributes and abstract relationships then derive the suitable object to consider. They instead always generate a design model and then find out its specifications. This paper looks at how design tools enable graphic designers to create functional prototypes of ever-present user interfaces. This scholarly compilation of modern essays applies quantifiable study to the graphic design practice. The whole book heartens designers to develop practices that are research-oriented which are more all-encompassing of audience input along with interdisciplinary proficiency. This is an educational book for any teacher of design. Buxton advises us to spotlight more on the blueprint of the design development than the product design. An efficient method to do this, he cites, is by â€Å"sketching† (demos, prototypes, sketches, simulations, models). Throughout this book he as well heartens teachers to incorporate into their classrooms additional scholarship, a history sense and a joint approach to the process of design. The book has provoking interviews along with genuine world examples. This is a useful guide to managing and forming a graphic design business. It is increasingly helpful for learners as many are trying to start on their careers at first as freelancers as a substitute of employees. This book outlines a greatly helpful timeframe of graphic design from 1890 to 2000. In essence, it is an efficient sketch of the history of graphic design, allowing learners to speedily put designers along with their work into chronological background. This collection of current essays and case studies initiates designers to research tools made particularly for graphic design. It covers â€Å"research through design, research into design and research for design.† Most of the research methodologies regard design as a segment of an integrated system. (11) Martin, Bella, and Bruce M. Hanington. Universal

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Political science questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political science questions - Essay Example This came as a stark contrast with the Bush Administration, who continued to state and restate the need for American forces in Iraq to continue the humanitarian mission that was started in 2003. For international relations as a whole, the Obama Doctrine means that Americans can expect more open and collaborative relationships with foreign countries. However, according to some critics, it may also lead to more appeasement to corruption and violence overseas. 2. The â€Å"Great Recession† of the late 2000s started with the 2007 financial crisis and it has affected the global economy. In 2009, the recession ended because the United States experienced two consecutive quarters of growth in GDP. Despite the official end of the recession, the U.S. still suffers from high unemployment, low home prices, and inflation. Even while these problems persist through the official end of the recession, the world is arguably in a much better place than it was in 2007 and 2008 when the financial crisis began. The global economy has adjusted by changing who is growing and who is not growing in their economies. While the United States, Russia, and much of Europe remain slow to grow after the recession, China and India continue to grow despite the slowdown. In this sense, growth in the world economy did not decrease and instead, it shifted elsewhere. 3. The American Tea Party stands for any number of populist and conservative ideals, but the members of the movement consistently state their desire to lower the national debt. They claim that the most direct path to that goal is fiscal responsibility and accountability from legislators. The primary method the Tea Party uses is protests, which they organize and carry out very effectively. Because the Tea Party is a grassroots organization, it has a broad range of support from everyday Americans. The Tea Party is also increasing in power and in the attention they receive from the national media. By having a larger number of party m embers and more attention, the Tea Party is able to put more pressure on politicians to create fiscally responsible legislation that is either neutral to the national debt or reduces it. The Tea Party puts the most pressure on Republicans because the Tea Party is often seen as an outgrowth of the Republican Party. For that reason, some prominent Republican in Congress are shifting over to embrace the Tea Party label, which appeals to a wider base of supporters and plays into the Tea Party goal of making a more responsible and accountable federal government. 4. In 2011, President Obama handed over control of the military intervention in Libya in order to allow the United Nations to carry out its long-held responsibility to maintain peace in the country. Earlier this year, a number of countries decided to take immediate military action to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya, which involved missile strikes and fly-overs by American forces. Although the United States has participated in bo mbings and surveillance of Libya, the United Nations is largely organizing the military intervention. Allowing NATO and the UN to take over but keeping a large role for the United States was an intelligent move on President Obama’s part because it demonstrates the collaborative spirit of the Obama Doctrine and it avoids the costly role that the United States took in Iraq and Afghanistan. In late March, the NATO

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Enterprise and Innovation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Global Enterprise and Innovation - Assignment Example The overall idea is to understand NIS deeply and clearly. There are many interesting features that one would notice in United Kingdom’s business environment. If we look at the latest analysis of this country, we will see that it has attracted many foreign investments. â€Å"The UK is the second largest single destination globally for US investment and in 2011 accounted for 26 percent of all the US investment stock in the European Union.† (UKTI, 2012). The economy is doing really well for the past few years and inflation is in control of the Bank of England, which is responsible for setting interest rates. Businesses are flourishing well in UK’s industrial arena because the exchange rates are relatively stable. Currency plays a significant role while operating in foreign countries. Companies operating globally have to keep an eye on the exchange rate each coming day. Imports and exports are doing well in the country. There are more exports than the imports, which is the main reason behind earning foreign income. UK is also working on lowering the corporate tax rates so that more and more businesses could be attracted into the country. Recently, UK has lowered the tax rate up to 3 percent. The employees of this country are satisfied employees because they pay less social security contributions as compared to other European countries. Entrepreneurial businesses are on the boom. Even a fresh graduate can start up a small business easily here because of the favourable market conditions. For example, running food truck is very simple in UK. On the whole, setting up a business in UK is very fast and easy. One can set up his business and get himself registered in this country within 24 hours, but it all depends on what kind of business he wants to start and in which state. There are many business advisors within the country who can guide you well about this. They can update you with the current status of businesses and the related industry,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss the Rise of Multinational Corporations and Internationa Essay

Discuss the Rise of Multinational Corporations and Internationa Efforts to Control their Activities, In Your Opinion, Have These - Essay Example A discussion on whether these efforts have been successful shall also be carried out. Body Multinational corporations have been defined based on the fact that their business usually spans other borders or countries. During ancient times, these borders were between Greek city-states and the activities of imperial Rome were the early beginnings of corporations1. However, the political borders at this point proved to be stronger boundaries and defining traits for these associations. The rise of multinational corporations is nevertheless linked with the early beginnings of trade among cultural groupings, and these communities are still important in making up the various sectors of the trading community2. Early trade has been seen with the exchange of goods across neighbouring towns and borders and trade activities have been supported by the limitations in resources across the regions. Some areas have been considered rich in vegetation and in fruit trees and others rich in copper or metal 3. Since all these resources are essential to survival, trading became a useful tool for business. Travels across long distances among traders have also been seen because of these differences in resources. Silent trade became one of the common practices among traders and the strong demand for goods from other towns or regions were gradually filled by these trade activities4. Such trading activities persisted and evolved throughout the years until much profit was eventually seen from such foreign trade. With difficulties in availing some foreign products, the price of trading increased. Early solutions to this shortage and business dilemma saw the initial stirrings of multinational corporations5. These MNCs were able to establish transactions within their boundaries. Fairs became one of the solutions and the traders met their customers in one place6. The Romans were soon prompted to establish commercial laws to govern these transactions. This gave the traders more legal options in tr ading and this gave the traders another means of monitoring their products. In order to ease the transacting processes, partnerships were established7. This started the process of investments made on these trading activities, and the corporations allowed capital investments by outsiders, with the prospect of future shares in the profits. In the 19th century, the limited liability rule was seen, along with the reduced impact of the state as a means of limiting the growth of the joint stock and as a result, the multinational corporations expanded to Europe and to the US8. The motivation to invest overseas was seen as profitable because of the banking and bond markets. The needs of the growing railroad system also established a market for the sale of railroad bonds9. With the increasing wealth and power of the western nations, massive foreign investments were seen in the 19th and on to the early 20th century. This marked the start of the globalization trends10. The UK has been known to export about 25% of its capital before WWII; and France has been known to invest in foreign ventures to an even greater percentage. These investments were directed towards countries which were eager to benefit from the industrial revolution already taking place in the west11. Britain

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mission and Vision Statements Essay Example for Free

Mission and Vision Statements Essay It often reflects the values and beliefs of top managers in an organization. A mission statement is the broad definition of the organizational mission. It is sometimes referred to as a creed, purpose, or statement of corporate philosophy and values. A good mission statement inspires employees and provides a focus and direction for setting lower level objectives. It should guide employees in making decisions and establish what the organization does. Mission statements are crucial for organizations to prosper and grow. While studies suggest that they have a positive impact on profitability and can increase shareholder equity, they also support that almost 40 percent of employees do not know or understand their companys mission. Not only large corporations benefit from creating mission statements but small businesses as Photo by: sellingpix http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 1 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM well. Entrepreneurial businesses are driven by vision and high aspirations. Developing a mission statement will help the small business realize their vision. Its primary purpose is to guide the entrepreneur and assist in refining the planning process. By developing a strategic plan that incorporates the mission statement, entrepreneurs are more likely to be successful and stay focused on what is important. The mission statement encourages managers and small business owners alike to consider the nature and scope of the business. Business Week attributes 30 percent higher return on several key financial measure for companies with well-crafted mission statements. COMMON ELEMENTS While mission statements vary from organization to organization and represent the distinctness of each one, they all share similar components. Most statements include descriptions of the organizations target market, the geographic domain, their concern for survival, growth and profitability, the company philosophy, and the organizations desired public image. For example: Our mission is to become the favorite family dining restaurant in every neighborhood in which we operate. This will be accomplished by serving a variety of delicious tasting and generously portioned foods at moderate prices. Our restaurants will be clean, fun, and casual. Our guests will be served by friendly, knowledgeable people that are dedicated to providing excellent customer service. This mission statement describes the target market, which are families and the geographic domain of neighborhoods. It clearly states how it expects to be profitable by offering excellent customer service by friendly, knowledgeable people. When defining the mission statement it is important to take into account external influences such as the competition, labor conditions, economic conditions, and possible government regulation. It is important to remember however, that mission statements that try to be everything to everybody end up being nothing to anybody. http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 2 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM Companies should have mission statements that clearly define expected shareholder returns and they should regularly measure performance in terms of those expected returns. If the major reason for a businesss existence is to make a profit then it stands to reason that expectations of profit should be included in the organizations mission. This means that management should reach a consensus about which aspects of the companys profit performance should be measured. These might include margin growth, product quality, market share changes, competitive cost position, and capital structure efficiency. A mission statement sets the boundaries for how resources should be allocated and what strategic and operational goals should be set. The mission statement should acknowledge the companys strengths and then inform employees where to direct their efforts in order to take advantage of those strengths. Before writing a mission statement organizations should take a look at how they are different from the competition, whether it is in technology, image and name brand, or employees. It can often be thought of as a recipe for success because it not only defines the organizations accomplishments but it also provides employees with directions to help them develop plans and look for opportunities for improvement. The organization defines what is acceptable behavior through the mission statement. Values and beliefs are the core of a strong mission statement. For example: Quality and values will secure our success. We will live by our values, have fun, and take pride in what we do. Our values are to maintain a work environment where people enjoy coming to work, to serve our guests and exceed their expectations, and to be profitable and result oriented. This mission statement is simple and straightforward. It does not, however, specify the products or target market. The mission statement also provides meaning to the organization by stating not only what goals the company wants to achieve but also why it wants to achieve these goals. It is not effective unless it is challenging and forces workers to establish goals and means to measure the achievement of those goals. A mission statement should inspire employees and get them involved in the organization. It has been called the glue that holds the organization together through shared values and standards of behavior. A mission statement should be relevant to the history, culture, and values of the company. Many statements refer to the social responsibility of the organization. For example, a company can show their concern for the community in the following: http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 3 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM To be involved as good corporate citizens wherever we are around the world. We will treat customers and distributors with honesty, courtesy, and respect. We will respect and preserve the environment. Through all of this we will prove to be the worldwide leader in industry trade. One important issue in organizations today is the concern with diversity. While it is not a traditional point included in mission statements, more and more companies are including it because of the globalization of the economy and the increased diversity of the workforce. Before writing a mission statement, leaders in the organization must have an idea of what is in store for the future. This vision is the foundation for the mission statement. The vision provides a strategic direction, which is the springboard for the mission and its related goals. A vision statement differs from a mission statement. Vision statements are a view of what an organization is striving to become. For example: To bring back to neighborhoods all over America the importance of family unity. We will view ourselves as a family so these attributes will be carried over into our service. They guide an organization into the future while mission statements are a reflection of the present. Because vision statements are a glimpse into the future, they are often not realized for several years. Organizations go through many changes and can face times of confusion and uncertainty. Changes are not always expected or easy, so a well thought out vision statement will help everyone stay focused and meet the organizations goals. Some examples of well-known companies mission statements: Wal-Mart: To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people. 3M: To solve unsolved problems innovatively. Walt Disney: To make people happy. Historically, these may have seemed arrogant. But consider the outcome of the following mission statements from each companys early days: Ford Motor Company: Ford will democratize the automobile. Sony: Become the company most know for changing the world-wide poor-quality image of Japanese products. Wal-Mart: Become a $125 billion company by the year 2000. http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 4 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM WRITING A MISSION STATEMENT When creating a mission statement there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed. It is important to remember the basics so the mission statement stays simple and straight to the point. Some researchers agree that it should be kept to between 30 and 60 words, while others believe it does not necessarily have to be that brief. Some organizations have mission statements that are only one sentence, while others are a paragraph. An example of a mission statement that is limited to one sentence is Our business is selling houses and our mission is total customer satisfaction. At a minimum, each mission statement should answer the following three questions: (1) What are the opportunities or needs the organization addresses? (2) What does the organization do to address those needs? and (3) What principles and values guide the organization? In other words, defining the organizations purpose, business and values. Avoiding jargon and buzzwords will keep the mission statement clear and easy to understand. It should be universal and simple to comprehend for all employees in the organization. It should be unique and identify the organization. A mission statement is often what sets one company apart from the competition. It should outline the organizations competitive advantages and differentiate it from everyone else. Specific products/services offered as well as markets or customers should be included. Also a general business definition, behavioral standards, and desired competitive position can be added to a strong mission statement. EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT It is often helpful to allow company-wide input when creating a mission statement. This bottom up approach results in greater commitment to the organization and a better understanding of the organization. Employees from throughout the organization can help identify the core values of the company. In order to encourage employee participation, many companies have created competitions inviting employees to submit suggestions. Cash prizes are sometimes provided as an incentive for creative and inspirational statements. Some companies find it useful to invite customers to assist in writing a mission statement because they can provide an honest perspective. Another option is to review mission statements from other companies. This can help provide ideas as the writing process begins. It is important to keep in mind that there will be a draft process involved in creating the mission statement. Employees can often provide invaluable insight on how to improve on each draft. In the end, the mission statement should reflect the personality of the organization. Thus, each company should be creative and unique in developing its own statement. Creating a mission http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 5 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PMÂ  committee that consists of members of management, frontline employees, and customers is another way to begin writing a mission statement. The major benefit of this strategy is the inclusion of all areas of the organization to ensure that everyone is represented. Another benefit is that employees will be more willing to work toward accomplishing the mission if they know they had a voice in i ts creation. A top down approach can be effective in smaller organizations or even sole proprietorships. There is less time involved in creating a mission statement when it comes from the top. Also, many times frontline employees and lower level managers lack the insight necessary to see the big picture. They may not be able to conceptualize the entire organization and therefore miss important aspects of the business. Participation may not always be a good option for small businesses. In small businesses that are started by entrepreneurs the mission statement is generally a vision of an individual and therefore may not be negotiable. When the mission statement comes from upper management, employees are more assured of the organizations commitment to the statement. A word of caution should be noted when deciding whether to adopt a top down approach or a bottom up approach. If the mission statement is to be created with a wide variety of input from both employees and customers then it will take longer than a top down approach. There must be a sharing of views and ideas with compromises made. A consensus should be developed without the problems associated with groupthink. There is always the possibility that too much compromise will distort the mission statement and the end result is something different from the original intent. The top down approach is not always effective because it rarely consults employees when making important decisions. Therefore, although it is the fastest route to take it isnt always the most effective. While the mission statement should be able to change with the times it is also understood to have a certain degree of permanence. As new businesses begin to grow and hire more employees the mission statement should provide a strong sense of stability and a clear definition of the culture. A mission statement is worthless unless it has the support of the employees in the organization. It will only be successful if each employee commits to its success and internalizes it. Once the statement is completed it is extremely important that the organization not put it on the shelf to collect dust. It should be shared with the entire company. The introduction of the mission statement should come directly from top management in order to set the example. Organizations should be creative in making employees aware of the mission statement. Placing it strategically in locations where employees gather will increase awareness and remind them of the goals of the http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 6 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM organization. Videos outlining the details of the new mission statement are often useful; however, it is critical that employees have the opportunity to discuss the statement with members of management. Setting up meetings with members of management and frontline employees can often help uncover areas where the company does not meet the standards set by the mission statement. Communicating the mission statement to customers will make them feel valued and important. It can be sent to customers in a mass mailing or posted on signs in areas those customers frequent. It sets forth the goals of the organization so customers know what to expect when doing business with the company. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps an organization match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is important and useful in creating and executing the organizations mission statement. Often the best strategies for accomplishing the organizations mission are revealed through the SWOT analysis. The best strategies are those that take advantage of strengths and opportunities, offset threats, and improve weaknesses. Organizations should first begin by reviewing internal strengths and weaknesses. When analyzing an organizations strengths it is important to identify distinctive competencies or strengths possessed by only a few competing firms. These distinctive competencies often become the competitive advantages that are included in the mission statement. Distinctive competencies can be found in financial resources, quality products and services, proprietary technology, or cost advantages. Organizational weaknesses are skills and capabilities that prevent an organization from implementing strategies that achieve its mission. They can be problems with facilities, lack of a clear strategic direction, internal operating problems, too narrow a product line, weak market image, or the inability to finance changes. The next step is to identify external opportunities and threats. Organizational opportunities are circumstances in an organizations environment that if capitalized on will result in above normal increases in economic performance. Examples of opportunities are related to the possibility of adding a new product line, increasing market growth, or diversifying into related products. Threats are viewed as circumstances that give rise to normal or below normal economic performance. They can be found in the ease of entry of competitors, increased sales of substituted products, demographic changes, slowed market growth, or increased competition. EVALUATION http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-State ments. html Page 7 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM Evaluation of the mission statement is necessary to ensure the organization is meeting its goals. If needed, new goals may have to be created in order to accommodate changes in the organization. It may be time to reevaluate what the organization is doing or where it is headed. This is a good time to think about entering into new areas or to begin doing things differently by rewriting part or all of the mission and vision statements. In evaluating an organizations performance, management must look at several different aspects of the organization. First, managers need to determine if the organizations plans are clearly linked to its mission statement and related goals. Plans should be developed for both the short run and long run. Secondly, assigning jobs that are directly related to the achievement of organizational goals will help ensure they are attained. The goals should be communicated clearly so employees understand what tasks need to be carried out and what the rewards will be. Finally, when evaluating individual performance, the information gathered should be recent and compared to established standards. Mission statements are often difficult to evaluate because they are written in a somewhat abstract form. They are, many times, not directly measurable and vaguely worded. Figure 1 presents an example of how mission statements can be measured from the top of the organization to the bottom. Strategic goals are directly tied to the organizations mission statement and apply to the organization as a whole. Tactical goals are departmental goals that support the strategic goals. Finally, operational goals are written at the individual level. Each one of these makes it possible to measure the organizations mission statements. An organizations likelihood of accomplishing its mission is increased as it creates strong and measurable goals at each level. It is not necessary that the mission statement be measured in quantifiable terms. It may also be measured qualitatively. For example, We will answer all of our customers questions and if we dont know the answer, we will find out. While this is not a quantitative statement it can be measured by monitoring customer service calls and setting operational goals for employees that revolve around follow up and thoroughness. Mission and vision statements give organizations a focus and a strategy for the future. According to Bart and Tabone, they have become the cornerstones of organizations. They contribute to organizations success and can lead to increases in productivity and performance. They do not have to be reserved for the entire organization—each department or division can benefit from developing a mission statement, as long as they are not in contradiction to the companys overall mission. Preferably, an individual departments mission links it to the fulfillment of the overall http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mission-and-Vision-Statements. html Page 8 of 12 Mission and Vision Statements strategy, organization, examples, advantages, definition, company, disadvantages, business 5/19/13 2:42 PM company mission. Mission statements for functional Figure 1 departments provide the same benefits as they do for the entire organization. In conclusion, mission statements provide a sense of direction and purpose. In times of change and growth they can be an anchor and a guide in decision making. The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages and challenges when looking at the potential for increases in profitability and returns. Defining an organization by what it produces and who it satisfies are major steps towards creating a sound and stable mission statement. Setting a company apart from the competition is probably one of the biggest advantages. SEE ALSO: Strategic Planning Failure ; Strategic Planning Tools ; Strategy Formulation ; Strategy Implementation ; SWOT Analysis Amy McMillan Revised by Deborah Hausler FURTHER READING: Bart, C. K. , and J. C. Tabone.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

EPS Waste Water Treatment Group | Business Structure

EPS Waste Water Treatment Group | Business Structure Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction EPS History of EPS Awards EPS Group Achieved 2013 EPS are to represent Ireland at European Business Awards Corporate Social Responsibility Departments of EPS Finance Department General Accounts Wages and Payroll Sales Marketing Advertising Sales Customer Service Human Resource Hiring Dismissal Disciplinary Actions Training Research Purchasing Department Purchasing Materials Evaluating Price Paperwork and Accounting Bibliography Introduction to EPS The organisation I have chosen is EPS Waste Water Treatment Group. EPS Group is a Pumping Treatment System Ltd. EPS is a specialist wet infrastructure support services group of companies operating across the Republic of Ireland and the UK, one of the few genuine end –to-end service providers in the global water sector. The head office of EPS is based in Mallow, Co: Cork. They also have many more branches. Ballyhaunis , Co:Mayo Mountrath, Co: Laois Naas, Co: Kildare Northern Ireland Over the years EPS has grown from a modest electrical and pumping service business into an innovative, internationally exporting product and service provider, now EPS is focused upon the water, wastewater and clean technology sectors. EPS Group provides services to municipal, industrial, commercial, agriculture and domestic clients and currently export to over 30 different countries worldwide. EPS has an annual turnover of â‚ ¬70 million and a dedicated workforce of approximately 360 people including their own design and project delivery team of process, mechanical, electrical, civil and chemical engineers. EPS are Ireland’s largest, privately owned Design – Build – Operate (DBO) partner for the delivery and operation of water and wastewater assets. There current long-term operational covers over 200 treatment assets serving a population close to 1 million. EPS have held contracts with all 34 municipalities in the Republic of Ireland. Since entering the UK market EPS have been appointed to 11 frameworks with UK companies. EPS provided a widespread of services and products to the Wet Infrastructure sector. They are one of Europe’s largest pump resellers. Design-Build-Operate of private water and wastewater treatment facilities. Energy management services improving the operation of treatment facilities. EPS have a wide range of loyal customers, covering many sectors and sub-markets. History of EPS In 1968 Kanturk Electrical and Farm Services Ltd, was founded 45 years ago by Gerald Buckley in Kanturk, Co: Cork. 1973 – Electrical Pump Services ltd was founded through expansion in Mallow, Co: Cork. Both Paddy Buckley and Betty O’Connor were on board to support the development of the business. Also the same year Galway opened its branch to support activities in the West of Ireland. 1978- Liam Sheahan joined them as Financial Director. 1984- Opened new branch in Ballyhaunuis Co: Mayo. 1997- New distribution / Warehouse / Service / Repair centre in Mallow, Co: Cork 1998 – Acquisition of Aquapure, UK, Significant expansion into industrial wastewater treatment resulting in projects in England, Cyprus, Bahain, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Scotland and Wales. 1995 The first major National Development Plan in Ireland was implemented. 2000 – EPS renewed the National Development Plan. 2002 – EPS Bison established itself as a significant Irish player in this sector, providing solutions to in excess of 30,000 Irish homes. 2003 – EPS secured Dundalk Drogheda a 20 year contract. 2007 – EPS opened a new 2000m sq. in Mallow to support the on-going development of the business. Awards EPS Group Achieved 2013 EPS are to represent Ireland at European Business Awards EPS will represent Ireland as National Champion in the 2013/2014 European Business Awards Programme under the Environmental and Corporate Social Responsibility Category. 2012 EPS wins Energy Efficiency Award EPS won a major award for energy efficiency at the annual Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Awards 2012 EPS won the Green Energy Award for 2012 The successful EPS entry was the innovative Bio-crack sludge. 2011 Recognition for EPS by IOSH for health and safety EPS achieved the ultimate A Grade in Safe T certification. 2011 Sustainable Energy Awards 2011 (SEAI) Categories include:- Category C – Energy Efficiency Award – major Users â‚ ¬350,000 annual spend Category I – Sustainable Energy Innovation Award 2011 Anglian Water – â€Å"We love what you do† Awards EPS was shortlisted fort his award 2011 Achilles Audit Success EPS received a scoring of 100% in its Health Safety, Environment and Quality Audit 2011 EPS to represent Ireland in European Business Awards 2011 Green Innovation Awards EPS shortlisted for the Green Awards 2011 2009 Safe – T-Cert Received from Construction Industry Federation Ireland 2008 Mallow Business Awards Received Award for Largest Company of the Year 2003 CEEQUAL Civil Engineering Environmental Assessment and Awards Scheme Project Corporate Social Responsibility The EPS Group is committed to work ethically and to contribute to the economic development and quality of life improvement of all their employees, their families and the local communities in which they operate. Every year EPS participates in numerous fundraising and charity activities and awareness events. They do this in a number of different ways, including: Direct financial contributions/support Support for employees and management in their efforts and activities with various community groups Provision of secretarial, photocopying and campaign material for local community organisations Direct financial contributions to national and international charity groups The current community groups that are supported from EPS are: Local National GAA Clubs Rugby Clubs MS and Water Aid Hospice Movement St Vincent De Paul AADI – Autism Assist Dogs Ireland Jack Jill Foundation Enable Ireland Special Olympics Ireland St Joseph’s Foundation The Kambuie Project The Eoin Cronin Fund Departments of EPS There are 4 main departments within EPS Company. Finance Department Sales Marketing Human Resources Purchasing Department Finance Department One of the most important departments in EPS is the Finance department. The functions within the finance departments include: General Accounts The role expected from general accounts office is responsible for the preparation of quarterly and end of year finance and management accounts. This department also handles the bookkeeping and keeps records of the money coming in and going out of the business. This also includes chasing up on late payments and paying for items purchased, handling invoices, monitoring budgets. EPS finance staff assists in providing the information for their annual audit every year. Wages and Payroll In EPS and other company’s payroll is the figure of all financial records or salaries for an employee, paying staff salaries /wages, bonuses and deductions. Sales Marketing In Sales and Marketing the duties include selling and promoting organisations goods or services, the roles of sales and marketing are: Advertising, Sales and Customer service. Advertising EPS need to market their products and services to continuously attract customers. A major part of marketing is designing, updating and promoting the EPS website. Sales A Sales department has several functions in EPS. The sales people are trained in knowledge of the goods and how to sell these products. The salesmen will then try and persuade the customer to purchase the product that is manufactured through marketing research. In EPS the salesmen are given a target each year – therefore they have to reach their goal to try and achieve it. Customer Service One of the roles of an EPS customer service representative is to interact with EPS customers to provide them with information to address enquires regarding products and services. They deal with and help customers resolve any customer problems; this is usually done via a telephone call. Human Resources The human resource department is responsible for the provision of the full range of HR. The functions of HR include: Hiring Dismissal, Disciplinary Actions, and Training Research. Hiring Dismissal When hiring employee’s in EPS they handle each hiring the same way. They will be given a 3-6 month contract; if the probation period is satisfactory to their employer this will result in their contract being extended until further notice. They also handle hiring the same way; if an employee is not performing up to standard then they will terminate that employee. Disciplinary Actions As with most large companies EPS have a policy around issues such as dealing with discrimination, harassment, violence, drug and alcohol use within the workplace. Help is given to employees that need it. Training Training is provided to EPS employees with support and guidance this is to help them develop their skills, knowledge and to motivate them to carry out work-related tasks within the company (EPS). These trainers will help with on-going, long term progress of employee’s skills and enable them to achieve their potential. Research EPS will research the needs of the customers and then develop the product that’s required. They also ensure the continuing productive capacity within the company. The company develops product prototype prior to the final launch of end product. Purchasing Department Most major companies have a purchasing department as part of everyday operations. EPS are one of the companies that provide a service that is the backbone of manufacturing and retail. Purchasing Materials One of the roles of the purchasing department is to buy all necessary raw materials that are required for production. In EPS the purchasing department makes sure there are always sufficient raw materials in the warehouse to keep the customers happy and keep the store well-stocked at all times. Evaluating Price A purchasing department is also charged with continuously evaluating whether it is receiving these materials at the best possible price in order to maximise profitability. This may affect small businesses that may purchase fewer quantities and may not receive the same type of bulk discounts. A purchasing department in a small business will need to shop around to find the best vendor at the most reasonable price. Paperwork and Accounting Purchasing department handle all paperwork involved with purchasing and delivery of supplies and materials. Purchasing ensures timely delivery of materials from vendors and can track all purchase orders. Bibliography Valerie Callaghan O’Shea